Thursday, June 9, 2011

Super Momo turns 3!

I can't believe my baby is three! I think I have said this for the past three years and I will probably continue to say this every time Milo has a birthday for the rest of his life :) Milo at three is such a joy. I seriously can't get enough of this kid (most of the time). He is so funny and creative. His little mind is always going. He loves to play pretend and has such an imagination.Milo is so smart he picks up on everything. With three came the "Why's". "Why mom? But why?" I need to remember some of things that he asks me about. I usually have to turn things around and ask him why he thinks it is that way. 
Milo still likes dinosaurs but these days he is really into super hero's. I love when Cody gets home in the afternoon and I get a break from being the bad guy or incredible hulk.
This is how Milo shows that he is 3.
We gave Milo a new scooter and a fishing pole for his birthday.

It seemed only fitting to have a Super Hero Birthday Party for Momo. We had a BBQ at the park and after having to reschedule due to the weather we had the perfect day.

Milo showing his Super Momo cape.

Capes and masks for all the Super Friends.

The Super Friends in action.

Milo got way too spoiled of course!

New Spiderman Costume from Grandma and Grandpa Finch. Milo loves this!

Grandma and Grandpa Smith, the birthday boy and a shot of the bump.


Jade, Maclee, Briten & Jalee said...

what a cute and fun party!!! Love the bump you look amazing!!! I also cant believe he is 3

Ashley and Josey said...

That looks like so much fun! Happy Birthday to Milo. He is getting so big. We really need to get everyone together.

Amanda said...

i say the same thing every year about my kids too, its sad they grow up so fast. looks like a fun paty and the capes r super cute. go you.

The Painters said...

Great Job on the party! I love all the super hero stuff!

eve said...

That is hilarious! His comment about it being a boy is priceless. You certainly need to write that stuff down. I don't know if I could see you with a girl, so I'm kind of happy it's a boy! and big lips - well I would expect you to produce nothing different. So excited for you guys!!!