Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Please say your here to stay......


The Painters said...

I'm with you! Today was such a beautiful day and if the cold wintery weather comes back I don't know if I can take it! 24 days until it is officially spring!

Adrie said...

Oh my gosh today was so beautiful! Your little Milo isn't a baby anymore he is a little boy, I can't believe how big he has gotten!

eve said...

so cute Em. I'm feelin' ya, the warmth has been sort of a too lovely tease I feel. But, it would be okay with me if it stays.

FJ Johnson said...

Em he is so dang cute. I want to grab his little checks and kiss them. I am so glad you came to Bunko it was great talking to you.(until 1 in the morning)

Amberly said...

Milo looks just like you used to as a baby in that top picture! I can't wait to see that boy!

Shanshine said...

love your family/// my family. our family/// thanks for being alive. lets go take pictures and be cool... together.