Saturday, July 26, 2008

30 Reasons you gotta love Hayley

Okay so I stole this idea from Kiley but thought it was so cute and wanted to pay tribute to my sister for her birthday, so here are....................

The top 30 reasons you gotta love Hayley!

1. Hayley puts Wonder Woman to shame!

2. She likes really stupid comedy's like "Superstar" and "Zoolander".

3. She is an awesome cook.

4. When she was a kid she used to wrap different parts of her body with an ace bandage and act like she was hurt.

5. Hayley is independent, she has practically been on her own since she was 15.

6. She knows what she wants and goes for it.

7. She has great taste.

8. She shaved the bottom half of her head in High School.

9. She always, always peeked at Christmas.

10.Lucy says, "Mom takes me to Disneyland."

11. Millie also said, "Mom takes my to Disneyland." (She may have been influenced.)
12. Fisher said, "EH, EH, EH, EH!" in his best dolphin impression.

13. If you tell Hayley she can't do something she will prove you wrong.

14. She does Triathlons.

15. She taught me how to mountain bike and snowboard.
(Two fo my favorite things.)

16. She is a loyal friend and tons of fun to hang out with.

17. She knows how to pick the best watermelons.

18. Hayley is the most generous person I have ever met.

19. She is ambitious. She lived in Hawaii and Alaska.

20. She is great at keeping secrets
(as long you realize that the other sister will find out.) ;)

21. Hayley is a deer magnet, she has hit at least 3 that I know of with her car.

22. She isn't afraid to take her kids anywhere.

23. She gives people the benefit of the doubt.

24. Hayley skiied up until 1 week before Lucy was born.

25. Hayley saves lives.

26. She is the best at braiding and doing girl's hair.

(If I have a girl I will probably have to take her to Hayley everyday to have her hair done.)

27. She always has her camera.

28. She's famous. (At least to all of the local hunters.)

29. Hayley loves her nieces and nephews and always invites them to do fun things.

30. She's Hayley! There is no one like her.

Happy 30th Birthday Hayley!!!!!

Thanks for being you.


Hayley said...

Thanks Em, you are awesome. But you shouldn't have let out my best secret's. LOVE you.

Amberly said...

Ok so what am I supposed to give Hayley that could be nearly as cool as this? You're the best!

FJ Johnson said...

That was so sweet of you to do that for Hayley. What a fun idea.

Ali said...

Hayley is one amazing girl! All of you brown sisters are! I love you all! Happy Birthday Hayley!

Adrie said...

Happy Birthday Hayley!! Hayley is by far the funnest person to work with, I'm sad I don't get to work with her more. She is awesome!

Josh & Kenz said...

Ahhh you are so sweet Em. Happy B-day Hayley, you really are Wonder Woman.

Sam said...

This isn't your dad but close, it is Uncle Ken. I have to agree with you on all thirty. You might want to add one more, she survived the fatal drop on the head. You 're not so bad yourself. Love you, Milo and Cody a lot. Ken

JENKIES said...

we really love Hayley too! Happy b-day

Anonymous said...

# 31 The best of all. The Jolley family will soon be sealed for time and all eternity. Emy and Amber are pretty awsome too.
Love Dad the real Dad

Chaotic Monarchy said...

I'm flattered. Sisters are the best! I'm going to keep having babies until Swayzie gets a sister for sure.

Jaime Stephens said...

Ahhh I loved it very nice!!