After a VERY LONG NIGHT and 31 HOURS of LABOR! Milo J. Finch was born at 10:56 this morning. He weighed 7 lbs 5oz and is 20 1/2 inches long (which is the exact size his cousin Lola was who was born one week ago today!). Here is the story (according to Milo's favorite aunt Hayley). Emily woke up Sunday at 4 am for what she thought was just a potty break. She quickly realized her water had broke and took her time going to the hospital, she figured dealing with the contractions at home was easier. She phoned the Doc who told her she needed to get right in to the hospital if her water had broke. Once at the hospital they checked her cervix and to every ones surprise she was only dilated to 1 centimeter. They started pitocin and the contraction's got worse Emily toughed it until 4:00 in the afternoon when they checked her again and she was still at a 1. I talked her into an epidural realizing it was going to be a long labor. Everyone figured once she relaxed she would start to dilate, but oh no by midnight she was a 3, they gave her some controversial medicine to help dilate her cervix and at 5 am she was a 3 1/2. Not looking good, the nurses and Emily started to think she would be going in for a c-section but the Doctor were vigilant knowing Emily really didn't want a section if she didn't have to. The nurse came in to restart the pitocin at 9:00 am and to every ones surprise she was dilated to a 7! Let the fun begin! She quickly dilated to a 10 and started pushing around 9:50 and little Milo was born 56 minutes later. Emily was such a trooper! She did an awesome job at staying focused on what she felt was best for her and the baby. Way to go Em! All are doing well.
1 week ago
Congrats Cody and Emily! We love you guys and wish you all the best with new baby Milo!
Yeah! He is here and oh so CUTE! I didn't even know you had him until I checked your blog today! My Phone is in Payson,so I am quite disconnected from the world! Congrats! Way to be strong....Can't wait to see the little guy up close...and love the name!
congrats he is so cute!!!
Hooray I'm so happy for you guys and I am happy to hear that everyone is healthy! Milo is so cute I think he looks just like you Em. Im glad you finally decided to go with the drugs, it's great isn't it?
You are the only person I know that looks pretty right after having a baby. In person I thought he looked like Cody, but in these pix he looks like Clay to me. You better tell him tonight who is favorite Auntie is.
Love ya see ya soon.
Oh Em! What a beautiful boy! He is just darling and I love his name! Good work getting him here! Love ya!
he is a very sweet baby. what a lot of work that was. thank goodness we do forget. it takes awile but we do forget. very cute baby and a very cute name. looks just like cody. joice
AAAAWWWW!!!! He is such a cute little guy, congrats!!
What a cute baby! I am so baby hungry from all these cute brown kids! WOW what a story! He so cute CONGRATS
Ryan and Stacy Haskell
He is so cute! It was nice to see you two last week! come visit us again soon. We miss you!
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