Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Wow! A lot has happened since I last posted.
First Hank got home from his mission!I can't believe he is home. We missed him so much! He is the same old Hank. This is what he looked like at the airport when I picked him and my parents and Clay up. I told him to go put on his suit and come back down the escalator but he wouldn't.

Our little Peruvian baby showing off his souvenir.

Milo has at hit several milestones. He is now 5 months old! He has started eating cereal, sitting up, rolling over and got his first tooth! (Oh, and my camera broke so until we get a new one there might not be many pics to come)


Keely Kapp said...

Sam said to tell Cody that he is jealous of his beard. Sam still cant grow a full one!

Josh & Kenz said...

Hank is a crack up! I love Milo's hat. Did you make it?

Adrie said...

I have the cutest girl to set Hank up with, let me know when he is ready to date and we will have to hook them up.